I'm very happy to be able to contradict these assumptions since, as you can see from my descriptions, Rotary meetings are anything but dull and boring and Rotary makes serving the community not only painless, but an incredibly great time. And our local Rotary club is lively enough to have attracted fun, friendly, and fascinating members of all ages, though I have to admit to being the youngest! Here are just a couple examples of the ways in which the Deposit Rotary Club and Rotary International have a great time raising funds to help others in our local and global communities.
First of all, at a recent lunch meeting, club secretary Rick Zacharias read the minutes of the Rotary Board of Directors meeting held the previous evening. One of the matters of new business that had been discussed was the pink flamingo situation. Apparently, some of Rotary's pink flamingo assets were in disrepair and new flamingos had to be procured so as to preclude the possibility of a dreaded flamingo shortage and thus avoid the risk of our fine club suffering the embarrassment of being represented by less-than-healthy looking large pink plastic birds. Thankfully, the club was adequately reassured of the state of its flamingo holdings. I hope to have accurately portrayed that part of the meeting considering that this columnist may have missed some of the important pink flamingo details while he was taking his notes, distracted by fits of laughter. A dull meeting it certainly wasn't!
I also wanted to mention that Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland livened up their flood relief fundraising efforts by holding a glamorous fashion show during London 's fashion week back in September. Attended by all sorts of celebrities and featuring the modeling talents of Naomi Campbell, Lily Cole, Claudia Shiffer, Elle Macpherson, Fergie (the Duchess of York), Faye Dunaway, and Sting, top designers such as Chanel, Emilio Pucci, and Versace contributed garments and helped Rotary raise one million British pounds (about US$2,000,000). Rotarians are experts at achieving the best results from their community service initiatives by getting people involved and having a fabulous time!